23 APR 1979


State of Alaska

The 1979 Legislature

HJR 32 am S

Legislative Resolve No. 14

Requesting the establishment of an Arctic Circumpolar Cultural and Technical Interchange Center.


WHEREAS Congress has established the Center for Cultural and Technical Interchange between East and West in Hawaii for the promotion of better relations and understanding between the United States and the nations of Asia and the Pacific; and

WHEREAS the purpose of the center in Hawaii is to provide a place where scholars and students in various fields of study from the nations of the East and the West may study, give and receive training, exchange ideas and views which promote the international, educational, cultural, and related activities of the United States; and

WHEREAS the United States shares the Arctic circumpolar frontiers with other Arctic coastal nations of the Arctic community; and

WHEREAS the problems of life and living in an Arctic environment are shared by the nations of the Arctic community; and

WHEREAS the extreme problems of environmental accommodation posed by the Arctic climate and shared by the Arctic community; and

WHEREAS the solutions to these and other problems of life in the Arctic can best proceed from cooperative endeavors of the Arctic peoples; and

WHEREAS the world need for energy resources from the Arctic would be facilitated by common work and coordination among the Arctic peoples; and

WHEREAS it is in the public interest for the State of Alaska to participate in any effort by the United States to provide leadership and initiative in American Arctic circumpolar resource management and development;

BE IT RESOLVED by the Alaska State Legislature that Congress is urged to authorize a program for

(1) the establishment and operation in Alaska of an institution concerned with Arctic circumpolar cultural and economic research, development, and the exchange of ideas and views through arrangements with public educational or other nonprofit institutions;

(2) grants, fellowships and other aid to outstanding scholars and authorities from the Arctic circumpolar nations as may be necessary to attract such authorities to the institution;

(3) grants, scholarships, and other aid to qualified students from the Arctic circumpolar nations as may be necessary to enable such students to engage in study at the institution; and

(4) making the facilities of the institution available for study to other qualified persons on a reasonable basis; and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED that Congress is urged to enter into a joint agreement with all other participating Arctic coastal nations to mutually share the expenses for establishing and operating the Arctic Circumpolar Cultural and Technical Interchange Center.

COPIES of this resolution shall be sent to the Honorable Walter F. Mondale, President of the U.S. Senate; the Honorable Thomas P. O’Neill, Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives; and to the Honorable Ted Stevens and the Honorable Mike Gravel, U.S. Senators, and the Honorable Don Young, U.S. Representative, members of the Alaska delegation in Congress.



The following officers of the Legislature certify that the above enrolled resolution, House Joint Resolution No. 32 am S, was passed in conformity with the requirements of the constitution and laws of the State of Alaska and the Uniform Rules of the Legislature.

Passed by the House April 24, 1979

(signed) Terry Gardiner, Speaker of the House

Irene Cashen, Chief Clerk of the House

Passed by the Senate April 23, 1979

(signed) Clem Tillion, President of the Senate

Peggy Mulligan, Secretary of the Senate

(signed) Jay Hammond, Governor of Alaska