26 OCT 1977



To: Eben Hopson

From: Joergen Peder Hansen, Minister for Greenland

Re: Greenex Mine Labor Strike

Mr. Eben Hopson, Chairman, Inuit Circumpolar Conference

Dear Mr. Hopson referring to your telex of October 20 concerning the labour strike at the Greenex mine at Marmorilik in Greenland, I can inform you that equal wages and working conditions have been introduced by Greenex (stop)

Negotiations between the parties involved, i.e. the Employers’ Associations of which Greenex is a member and the Greenlandic Workers’ Association are still going on regarding the question of arbitration rules between the parties (stop)

This is a question of arbitration rules between the parties (stop)

This is a question to be dealt with by the parties since Danish arbitration laws or agreements are not applicable in Greenland (stop)

The Prime Minister has been informed about this answer to your telex.

Yours sincerely, Joergen Peder Hansen, Minister for Greenland.