Eben Hopson Memorial Archives
Hopson Papers
Eben Hopson Letter to the Editor – July 22, 1963 – “Editor Answers State Senator in Regard to Affiliation” (Tundra Times)
Testimony of Alfred Hopson, father of Eben Hopson, regarding the interactions between Arctic slope residents and visitors from Outside, 1898-1970.
Official position paper of the North Slope borough regarding the proposed ad valorem tax on oil properties, by Eben Hopson, Mayor, North Slope Borough.
My Candidacy for the Democratic Nomination for Governor
14 MAY 74: Demos Set Convention, The NOME NUGGET
25 MAY 74: Demos Gather for State Convention, ANCHORAGE DAILY NEWS
28 MAY 74: Governor, ANCHORAGE DAILY NEWS (extensive Hopson quotes)
05 JUN 74: Campaign ’74, ANCHORAGE DAILY NEWS
07 JUN 74: Campaign ’74, ANCHORAGE DAILY NEWS
17 JUN 74: Hopson Pushes Governor’s Bid with Emphasis on Boroughs, FAIRBANKS DAILY NEWS-MINER (Minto speech)
JUL 74: Who Is Eben Hopson? (press release)
30 JUL 74: Eleven Candidates Speak, ANCHORAGE DAILY NEWS
30 JUL 74: Egan Campaign War Chest Twice Other Candidates’, FAIRBANKS DAILY NEWS-MINER
01 AUG 74: News Note on Campaign Treasurer, ANCHORAGE DAILY NEWS
29 JUL 1974: Anchorage Chamber of Commerce, Candidates’ Luncheon Speech
15 AUG 1974: Hopson Resigns Gubernatorial Candidacy; Comments on Nine Point Plan
23 JUL 1974: Statement to Stockholders, Cook Inlet Region, Inc. 1975
09 SEPT 1975: Request for Lilly Endowment Grant Support for First International Inuit Community Conference.
Fall 1975: Related Correspondence related to above grant application.
1976: Mayor Eben Hopson’s Testimony before the Berger Inquiry on the Experience of the Arctic Slope Inupiat with Oil and Gas Development in the Arctic.
SUMMER 1976:
Political Statement for Anchorage Press Conference Upon Eben’s Return to Alaska after Treatment for Cancer.
14 JUL 1976:
Materials Related to Alaska Delegation to Democratic National Convention: Beaufort Sea/Arctic Policy Resolution.
19 AUG 1976:
A Local Energy Policy for Barrow…Prepared Testimony Before the PL 94-258 Gas Rate Hearings, Barrow. AK.
05 OCT 1976: Eben Hopson’s Address to the Members of the Western Alaska Building and Construction Trades Council
16 OCT 1976:
The Influence of the State Constitution and the Development of Local Government in Rural Alaska, delivered to the members of the Constitutional Convention gathered at the University of Alaska.
20 OCT 1976: Responses to 15 Questions Submitted by the Anchorage Times.
22 OCT 1976: Speech Before the Alaska Federation of Natives Convention
28 OCT 1976: Speech Before the Bartlett Democratic Club
01 NOV 1976: Speech to the People of Kodiak: OCS Environmental Assessment Program
06 NOV 1976: Statement to Some University of Alaska/Anchorage Students
12 DEC 1976: The Professional Biography of Eben Hopson
21 APR 1977:
Billy Neakok, Director, Department of Conservation and Environmental Security, North Slope Borough Policy Statement.
16 MAY 1977:
Hopson’s Testimony on Environmental Impact Assessments Associated with Prudhoe Bay Gas Pipeline Proposals: Council on Environmental Quality.
13 June 1977: Mayor Eben Hopson’s Welcoming Address, First Inuit Circumpolar Conference, Utkeagvikmi (Barrow, AK)
June 1977: Final Report — First Inuit Circumpolar Conference.
25-27 April 1978:
Mayor Eben Hopson’s Address: “The Role of Regional Government on Arctic Resource Development,” Inuit Circumpolar Conference, Consultation on Oil and Gas Exploration and Development in the Arctic, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
March 1983: ICC Granted United Nations Status (Arctic Policy Review)
Inuit Circumpolar Conference: University of Connecticut Libraries
06 OCT 1977:
Greenland Workers Strike — letter to Eben Hopson, chair, Inuit Circumpolar Conference, from Jens Lyberth, Secretary General, Association of Workers in Greenland; duplicate telegram sent to Charlie Edwardsen Jr., NSB Washington D.C. Legislative Liaison, 13 OCT 1977.
26 OCT 1977:
Telex from Joergen Peder Hansen, Minister for Greenland, to Eben Hopson informing him of negotiations progress.
16 NOV 1977:
Telex from Jens Thorsen, Danish Employers Confederation, to Eben Hopson informing him that negotiations had been completed.
11 NOV 1977: Hopson’s Address on Government Relations, 1977 AFN Convention, Anchorage.
Undated: Letter to Borgmester Eben Hopson from Kujanak . Language: “Kallallit” (Greenlandic).
16 FEB 1978: Hopson Remarks: Completion of Barrow’s Water Source Construction Project.
25 FEB 1978: Address to the People of the AVCP Region on Subsistence Management and the Role of the Village.
19 APR 1978:
Letter to Eben Hopson re: Canadian Seal Hunt (plus one to Brigitte Bardot from Prime Minister P.E. Trudeau on same subject)
25-27 APR 1978:
Inuit Circumpolar Conference. Consultation on Oil and Gas Exploration and Development in the Arctic, Calgary, Alberta, Canada: Mayor Eben Hopson’s Address on the Role of Regional Government in Arctic Resource Development.
19 MAY 1978: Spirit of Knud Rasmussen: Hopson and Greenland’s Chemnitz Plan Inuit Unity (and Photo)
22 MAY 1978: Buena Vista College: Hopson Awarded Honorary Doctor of Laws degree.
03 JUN 1978: Hopson Remarks: Tourism in the North Slope Borough.
23 JUN 1978: Hopson’s Address: London Press Corps re: bowhead whales.
17 AUG 1978: Hopson Warning: Don’t Vote for Walter Hickel.
26 SEP 1978:
Letter from William H. Dubay, Advocacy Planning Associates, to Mayor Eben Hopson – regarding indiscretions on the part of poorly trained tour guides in Barrow.
05 DEC 1978:
Hopson Testimony: U.S. Department of the Interior Hearing, Lifting the Ban on Joint Bidding by Companies Producing More Than 1.6 Million Barrels of Oil a Day worldwide in the Proposed Joint State-Federal Sale of Oil and Gas Leases.
16 JAN 1979: Bowhead Whale Conference: Statement by Eben Hopson.
31 MAR 1979:
Joint Federal-State Beaufort Sea Lease Sale: Eben Hopson’s testimony before the Joint Finance/Resource Committee Hearings.
06 APR 1979: Hopson leads Alaskan delegation to Greenland Home Rule Inauguration.
23 APR 1979: Alaska Legislative Salute on Greenland Home Rule Inauguration.
23 APR 1979:
Alaska Legislative Resolution requesting the establishment of an Arctic Circumpolar Cultural and Technical Interchange Center.
01 MAY 1979: Hopson’s Address to the Inauguration of the Greenland Landsting
Final Biography of Eben Hopson (most complete).
Eulogy for Eben Hopson, by Edward Hoffman, Sr., Chief, Association of Village Council Presidents.